Santa Maria Novella

About the Basilica

The Santa Maria Novella is a basilica in Florence, Italy. The construction of this church began in 1279 from a design by two Dominican converses, Fra Sisto and Fra Ristoro. It was finished building and opened in 1360. It is located across from a train station that is named after the building. It attracted many artists who painted beautiful artworks inside the building. The architects and painters include:

  • Giorgio Vasari: born 1511, died 1574
  • Leon Battista Alberti: born 1404, died 1474
  • Filippo Brunelleschi: born 1377, died 1446
  • Giuliano da Sangallo: born 1443, died 1516
  • Ristoro da Campi: died in 1284
  • Sesto Fiorentino: unknown
  • Enrico Romoli: unknown


The Crucifix by Giotto
Holy Trinity by Masaccio
The Crucifix by Brunelleschi