St. Peter’s Basilica

About the Basilica

The St. Peter’s Basilica is a basilica located in Vatican City. The building of the basilica was begun in 1506, and it was completed in 1626. It was commissioned to be rebuilt by Pope Julius Ⅱ. It had been originally built in the 4th century by Constantine, but was destroyed. It is considered one of the most famous buildings because it is built over the tomb of Saint Peter, (the first pope, was buried in 64 AD), and is the largest church in the world (22,300 sq. meters). The various architects and artists who built and designed the St. Peter’s Basilica are: 

  • Michelangelo: born 1475, died 1564. He designed the dome of the building.
  • Gian Lorenzo Bernini: born 1598, died 1680
  • Raphael: born 1483, died 1520
  • Donato Bramante: born 1444, died 1514
  • Carlo Maderno: born 1556, died 1629
  • Giacomo della Porta: born 1532, died 1602
  • Antonio da Sangallo the Younger: born 1484, died 1546
  • Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola: born 1507, died 1573
  • Giuliano da Sangallo: born 1443, died 1516
  • Domenico Fontana: born 1503, died 1607
  • Pirro Ligorio: born 1514, died 1583
  • Baldassare Peruzzi: born 1481, died 1536
  • Bernardo Rossellino: born 1409, died 1464
  • Giovanni Giocondo: born 1433, died 1515

Picture of Michelangelo


Pietà by Michelangelo
Chair of Saint Peter by Bernini
Saint Longinus by Bernini