
When one is painting one does not think.


Raphael Sanzio



Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino was a painter and an architect born 1483 in Urbino, Italy. He grew up in Italy, and learned to paint from his father. Later, his art was highly inspired Leonardo, as he used the same techniques and composition as him. Raphael had a rivalry with Michelangelo, as they competed for commissions and were both individual artists. Although they were competitors, Raphael paid homage to Michelangelo in School of Athens. Raphael died April 6, 1520.

Works of Art

Raphael’s Top 3 Works

School of Athens

This fresco is located in the Raphael Rooms in the Palace of Vatican. They are in the apartments of the second floor of the Palace. It was painted between 1509 and 1511, commissioned by Pope Julius Ⅱ.  It depicts many Greek philosophers including Plate, Socrates, and Aristotle. School of Athens is famous for the painting technique used, including skill in perspective in depth.


This painting is now in the Vatican Museums of Vatican City.  It was painted from 1516-1520, it being Raphael’s last painting. It was commissioned by Cardinal Giulio de’ Medici, and it depicts the Transfiguration of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew. It shows how Christ is powerful and men are flawed, has contrasting colors, and a wide arrange of colors light to dark.

Sistine Madonna

The Sistine Madonna was painted as an altarpiece for the church of San 
Sisto in Piacenza from 1513-1514. It’s now located in Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden, Germany. It depicts the Virgin Mary with Jesus in her arms. This painting was controversial in Germany,  when King Augustus Ⅲ bought it for his collection in Dresden. It brought up discussions of art and religion.