John Calvin

A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God’s truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.

-John Calvin

John Calvin



John Calvin was a french theologian born on July 10, 1509, who lead the protestant revolution. He started Calvinism, a branch of protestantism. He believed in predestination, and died May 27, 1564.

His Life

John Calvin became who he was by being first exposed to ideas of Renaissance Humanism. Renaissance Humanism focused on the idea that humans should be good, and focused on the value of humans. It was a movement that wanted to bring back original Bible and Christian ideas. John Calvin later took charge of the Protestant Revolution in Geneva, 1555. He also established the Genevan Academy to educate students in humanism.


Calvinism was a major branch of Protestantism, based off of the ideas of John Calvin. It followed the idea that God’s glory is the goal of all things. Believed in predestination, meaning that God decides in advance who will be saved and is good, and who will not.

Institutes of the Christian Religion

Institutes of the Christian Religion is a book written by John Calvin, which was published in 1536. It was a summary of Biblical theology, and wrote about how reformed faith should be like.